
Sustainability is about taking into account the needs of both current and future generations, and taking long-term responsibility in our daily activities.

We create meetings that move people and society forward

Sustainability at Formex

“Of course there are challenges, but we need to make sure we have a venue that is as sustainable as possible. We need to inspire all exhibitors to work and think sustainably.”

UN Global Goals, Agenda 2030, goal 12

Inspiring examples

We want Formex to be a platform to share and learn from the best examples in the industry, and have been highlighting the topic for a long time, for example in the speaker program and curated exhibitions. See the exhibition “Sustainable?” from Formex in August 2024.

Formex Sustainability Walk

During Formex, Maria Soxbo, who is a strong profile in sustainability and chair of the jury for the Formex Sustainability Award, organizes a guided tour for our visitors. You will be taken on a walk through the fair with stops at various stands, exhibitions or implementations that promote sustainability in the industry.

UN Global Goals, Agenda 2030, goal 12
UN Global Goals, Agenda 2030, goal 12

Formex Sustainability Award

For several years, Formex has raised issues of sustainability in our talks programs and we know that these are issues that deeply engage many of you exhibitors. In January 2023, we launched a competition and award for our exhibitors who make an effort and invest in sustainability.

UN Global Goals, Agenda 2030, goal 8

Sustainable Development Goals

Formex contributes to these goals through a range of measures. We have chosen to focus on goals 8 and 12, which we feel are closest to us and where we can have the most impact.

Stockholmsmässan's sustainability work

Sustainability is about taking into account the needs of both current and future generations, and taking long-term responsibility in our daily activities. Stockholmsmässan’s sustainability work is based on three focus areas: Sustainable Community, Sustainable Environment and Sustainable Innovation.