Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are the most ambitious sustainable development agenda ever adopted by the world’s countries and are designed to achieve four great things by 2030: ending extreme poverty. To reduce inequalities and injustices in the world. To promote peace and justice. Solving the climate crisis.

The Sustainable Development Goals can make this a reality. Formex contributes to these goals through a range of measures. We have chosen to focus on goals 8 and 12, which we feel are closest to us and where we can have the most impact.

UN Global Goals, Agenda 2030, Goal 8

Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth

  • We create a platform for the industry and provide conditions for growth and jobs, among other things.
  • Disseminates knowledge by engaging speakers focusing on economic growth and sustainable consumption.
  • We highlight new talents and help them create visibility and networks through Formex Design Talents.
  • Provide a good environment for our exhibitors and visitors in terms of air, ventilation and a ban on painting with certain paint bases and on fuel-powered vehicles in the exhibition halls.

Goal 12 - Sustainable consumption and production

  • Formex creates meetings in the industry and is a platform for knowledge sharing on sustainable transition.
  • Our inaugural Formex Sustainability Award is an award for the most sustainably designed product.
  • We choose digital solutions over print production as far as possible.
  • For printed materials, we actively choose the quality and origin of the paper.
  • We hire lecturers in the field of sustainable consumption and production, such as the Swedish Chemicals Agency and PRV.
  • We try to reuse productions and constructions developed for Formex at other fairs.
  • Construction at Formex is always done in a thoughtful way to reduce material waste.
  • On-site waste sorting and staff to manage the environmental sorting of exhibitors’ construction waste.
  • We offer rental of furniture, props and services to reduce transportation.

Read more about the SDGs here.


UN Global Goals, Agenda 2030, Goal 12

Read more about our sustainability work

Our sustainability work

Sustainability is about taking into account the needs of both current and future generations, and taking long-term responsibility in our daily activities. Stockholmsmässan’s sustainability work is based on three focus areas: Sustainable Community, Sustainable Environment and Sustainable Innovation.

Formex Sustainability Award

For several years, Formex has raised issues of sustainability in our talks programs and we know that these are issues that deeply engage many of you exhibitors. In January 2023, we launched a competition and award for our exhibitors who make an effort and invest in sustainability.