Formex – the most important meeting place for Nordic interior design
Formex startade 1960 och anordnas två gånger per år. På mässan hittar du produkter inom inredning, design, presenter, delikatesser, barnprodukter, mode och accessoarer. Här samlas nationella och internationella inköpare, agenter, grossister, importörer, formgivare, producenter och media från hela inrednings- och presentbranschen. Till Formex kommer det besökare och medierepresentanter som förutom möjligheten att göra affärer, får möjlighet att mötas och upptäcka nyheter, samtidigt som mässan bjuder på trender, inspiration och kunskap i form av utställningar och föredrag.
Nästa Formex genomförs 17-19 januari 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Formex?
Formex is a trade fair for interiors and design. Twice a year, visitors from all over the world gather to do business, explore hundreds of new products, listen to inspiring speakers, meet like-minded people and keep up to date with the latest trends and news.
When and where does Formex take place?
The next fair will take place between 27-29 August 2024 at Stockholmsmässan.
Address: Mässvägen 1, 125 30 Älvsjö.
How can I register as an exhibitor at Formex?
Click on the link Book a stand and then on “Register your interest“. Once you have filled in your contact details, Formex’s knowledgeable sales staff will contact you and help you further in the process.
Which product areas are present at Formex?
Formex is located in two halls at Stockholmsmässan, Hall A and Hall B. Each hall is divided into different product areas. In total Formex has 8 areas, click on the link to read about the products exhibited in the different halls and each product area.
Who can attend Formex?
Formex is an interior design trade fair. If you are a buyer, decorator, designer, stylist or architect, you are very welcome! Interior design students are also welcome.
What are the most common transport options to and from Formex?
Both buses and commuter trains stop at Ă„lvsjö Station, which is Stockholmsmässan’s closest neighbor. The commuter train takes you from Stockholm Central to Stockholmsmässan in 10 minutes.
Stockholmsmässan also has a large number of parking spaces.
Click on the link for more information.
What can I expect from my visit to Formex?
Visit Formex for:
- Explore a wide range of interior design products from local and international companies.
- Get inspired by the latest trends and design concepts.
- Network with industry colleagues and create business opportunities.
- Attend lectures and workshops on industry trends and business strategies.
- Meet and interact with industry colleagues such as designers, buyers and retailers.
An exciting experience with opportunities for inspiration, networking and business development.