Maximize your participation.

Increase your visibility at Formex

Make sure to promote your company’s participation at Formex through visibility in our digital channels or physically in various locations around the fair. Explore our different opportunities for digital and physical presence below.

Contact our sales representatives for current prices and more information.

Digital presence

‣ Social media

With a visual focus, you can reach 39,000 followers on Instagram and Facebook via

‣ Banner on the website

Create visibility on with 27,000 visitors a month.

‣ Newsletter

Let us know you’ll be there in January through our newsletter, which goes out to 40,000 past and future visitors and exhibitors.

‣ Digital signage

Let visitors know you’re here. Our digital signage is strategically placed for maximum exposure.

Physical presence

Increase your visibility

‣ Outdoor advertising

Flags, facade fans and digital signage towards Huddingevägen/Åbyvägen.

‣ Our entrances

Foiling in entrance doors, floor stickers, embedded advertising pillars around the fair.

‣ Additional surfaces

Parking garage with foliation in the entrance. Messages on floors, walls or mirrors in toilets and printed waste bins.

‣ Café framing

You can now sponsor our semi-permanent cafés. The cafés are located in the halls so you can be seen in the middle of the visitors.

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

Key Account Manager

Sales Manager

Sales Manager