Formex eight different areas
Formex is held in Halls A and B at Stockholmsmässan, with each hall divided into different sections and a total of eight product areas. Below you can read about each product area and in which hall each section is located.
Scandinavian Living & Dining
It brings together brands and products that have Nordic design and material choices as a common denominator, as well as Dining, which includes products that enhance the experience in and around the set table.
PRODUCT EXAMPLES: interior design concepts, Scandinavian lifestyle, kitchenware and textiles.
Hall A
Craft Creative
This is an innovative area that offers simplified and smaller stand solutions for craft and design in small-scale production.
PRODUCT EXAMPLE: small-scale production and unique objects in different materials in crafts, arts and crafts, handicrafts and design.
Hall A
Baby, Kids & Toys
In this area, you will find products for interior design, gifts, clothing and toys for children of all ages.
PRODUCT EXAMPLES: toys, children’s clothing and products for babies and children.
Hall A
Lifestyle & Garden
An area focusing on commercial design and products for trade in both gardening and interior design.
PRODUCT EXAMPLES: vintage, interior design concepts, home furnishings, small furniture, fragrance, garden lighting, plant material, faux botanicals, pots, gift items as well as everything in cultivation, urban farming, balcony cultivation, irrigation and gardening tools.
Hall A & B
Fashion & Accessories
This area brings together exhibitors with products that can enhance and add that little bit extra to the range of the well-stocked interior design and clothing store.
PRODUCT EXAMPLES: accessories, fashion, jewelry and interior design.
Hall A
Design Talents
Formex is a natural platform for tomorrow’s designers!
Design Talents is the area at Formex where independent designers and design groups can both sell their products and showcase them to buyers, partners, producers and the press/media. A unique platform to create the best conditions for the stars of tomorrow.
Hall A
Paper & Packaging
This section brings together everything related to paper and packaging, whether for shops and offices or for hobby and craft production.
PRODUCT EXAMPLES: a wide range of cards, paper, string, gift wrap and packaging.
Hall B
This is the area where taste dominates. It offers a wide range of giftable edible, flavorful and decorative products.
PRODUCT EXAMPLES: food crafts, gourmet gifts, chocolate, sweets, tea, coffee, spices and oils.
Hall B